Sunday 23 March 2014

It's Not Goodbye, It's See You Later

So I'm not one for goodbyes. I usually like to fly out under the radar, but in this camp there was no way that was going to happen. And honestly, I am so glad it didn't . It's just another reminder of the amazing people I have gotten to know and work during my time in Nigeria. 

Last weekend was the start of the "+ Kate's goodbye parties". Kelsie and I threw a knock out St. Patricks day/ Kelsie's birthday/ Ryan's birthday and oh yes the Kate's goodbye party. Talk about a fun night. I mean we might not be the most experienced hostesses, but provide people some green jello shots, lot's of alcohol and food and a theme to have fun with - yeah, you're set up for success. We had about 20 people all together and we went to Spice Route for some Indian/ Thai food that was to die for. A few bottles of wine and a family style sharing set up led to a night of constant laughs. Even after people kept stopping from another party for a drink, some hooka and fun. I could go on and on about how great it was- but I think you get the point.

Then this last week seemed to fly by. I learned that the job I thought I was going to have has changed and that I'm actually moving to Houston. I was initially shocked at first, and then I realized I should be feeling relieved. I know where I am going! I can start mentally preparing for my next adventure. And I have a really good feeling about this one. 

Next thing I knew it was Thursday and I was getting lunch with a guy I chatted with in the coffee room everyday. I admit, I was super hesitant at first since I wasn't sure the intentions, but I decided what the heck. Turned out incredible, he was a nice guy who was paying it forward after someone did the same for him in the US. I love when people genuinely surprise you in the best way- it's what make life interesting. That night I went to La Veranda to celebrate Troy's birthday, which somehow turned it to a "+ Kate's going away". Turns out I'm not the only person that doesn't want all the attention. It was a great night out and nice to get out of camp during the week one last time. 

Friday was my big work party. Karen was kind enough to host the party after work. It was nice for all my coworkers to come out and say goodbye and socialize. They gave me the sweetest card, a Chevron addidas jacket and pants sport suit, a Nigerian jacket and jewelry. Too kind. After that I ended up at my last pub night at Marions. It's like going from one culture to another within minutes, and I loved it. 

Saturday was the prep for Sunday- my actual going away brunch. We had every breakfast food/ drink you could imagine thanks to everyone on camp bringing a little something something. It's kind of amazing how many people came over to say goodbye. It was truly touching. People started coming in around 11 and it didn't even end till 5. 

What a week. As excited as I am about this next adventure, there is a lot about this community I'm going to miss. The good and bad, everyone is really here for one another and it's something I will never forget. 

So I think this will be my final post from Nigeria. I am blessed to have been given this opportunity and I have no regrets. I owe a major thank you to the support of everyone both at home and in Lekki, and knowing how small of a world it is I won't say goodbye but see you later. 

Love always- Kate

Sunday 16 March 2014

Two Week Countdown

Wow, my how time flies. I’m at my two week mark before I leave for Nigeria. It’s quite strange, it feels so close yet so far. Part of that is probably that I am going on my first real vacation since I started working and am so ancy to get going! A safari, Cape Town and a tour of the Ireland and UK isn’t a bad way to end one amazing adventure.  To think, I went from never leaving North America to being on both Africa and Europe. Yeah, I stand by my statement that 2014 is going to be my year. J
Nick and Kelsie just got back from their vacations yesterday, so it’s really nice to have my partners in crime back.  The last few weeks have been a dull without them, but I’ve managed. Well actually I managed to get terribly ill with some Nigerian bug twice after going out to dinner. Being sick is never fun, but being sick and alone with some weird Nigerian bug is awful. Oh well, I’m on the mend now. It’s funny I have felt a little off ever since moving here, but after being sick like that being off seems like nothing. Two more weeks should be a breeze.
Other than illness, the last few weeks have been very peaceful. It’s been nice to have a little R&R and realize what an adventure this has been. When we went out to Bottles on Wednesday one last time and as we were waiting on the street for our bus and someone said “think about it, we are in Nigeria.” It’s mind boggling to think- Nigeria. Africa. I’ve lived here. Who would have ever thought that me, some Naperville girl would end up here?
Then- At Grandpa's farm

Now- Fat Boy Friday in Nigeria

The places I've lived- 5 and counting

It’s amazing how life has worked out for me. It’s certainly had its ups and downs, but I’ve been truly blessed with a lot of amazing opportunities I never even thought possible. My adventure in Nigeria has been eye opening. I came in with the mindset that things aren’t good or bad, just different. I think it has served me well to see the bigger picture of life and work here. Now I in no way think I’m now sophisticated and cultured because I’ve lived in one other country. And no, this does not make me a world traveler. But it has been humbling to see how other people live and made me appreciate what I have.
I must admit, I’m ready for my next adventure but will certainly miss the friends I have made along the way. Speaking of my next adventure, as quick update I’ll be going into Total Remunerations for Mergers and Acquisitions. I am SO excited about the job, I just haven’t found out if it’s going to be in Houston or San Ramon again. So when I know I’ll let you guys know.
So here’s to two weeks of goodbyes- Kate