Sunday 19 January 2014

Best of Luck Andy

With a night out at Bottles, a Fat boy run, pub night and Beer Club bbq this week has certainly flown by. Why all the events you ask? Well, I guess you can call this last week the week of Andy. Andy is moving to Iraq as of today, and so we spent our time completing the bucket list of things to do while in Lagos. And Andy is just the first of the turnover coming up for the Lekki camp. Around this time of year many people are moved to different locations throughout the world, so we sadly bid them farewell as they move onto their next role. So it's the start of many goodbyes. Fortunately, it's a small world and even smaller expat community so our paths will cross again. 

But it does bring up the point that this place, despite it's frustrating flaws, will be tough to leave. The community is beyond anything I have experienced since I started work, and it's nothing that can easily be found in the states when you move to a new location. So while people are always ready to leave here there is still a sadness of the great friends that are left behind in the process. 

So cheers to Andy for a great time in Lagos, and best of luck on your new assignment.


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