Saturday 16 November 2013

Marine Ball 2013

It took for me to move to Lagos to have a true sense of American pride. Last night I celebrated the 238th birthday of the United States Marines at the 2013 Marine Ball at the Eko hotel. The men broke out their suits and tuxes and ladies found their fanciest dresses to show respect to our Marines. 

It was my first ball, so I wasn't sure what to expect but I must admit I wasn't disappointed. We walked a red carpet to be greeted by the Ambassador and all the Marines based in Lagos. Champaign kicked off the event, followed by a wonderful and symbolic ceremony. In the middle of a room full of overseas Americans at tables was an empty black table with one candle to represent the fallen Marines. The Ambassador and some Marines gave speeches, and the colors were retired before the cake was cut by a sword. The first piece of cake was offered to the oldest Marine in the room and then gifted to the youngest Marine in the room. It was a beautiful ceremony, and everyone in the room felt an overwhelming pride in our country. 

Dinner was then served and the dancing began. People were more than willing to bust a move, and I started to learn how to Texas two step (if I can do that in Houston all the time, I'll be one happy camper). 

Here some photos of the group all done up: 

Until my next adventure- Kate 

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