Saturday 9 November 2013

Run for the Cure

It's been about 6 years since my last formal race back in my High School cross country days, and it wasn't until today that I broke that dry spell. While I had no expectation of achieving the  pace  7-something minute miles mile pace I ran back in the glory days, I figured it was time to put my fat boy run training to the test. Heck, worst case scenario I could putz my way across the finish line and consider it a decent workout. 

So to prepare for the Run for a Cure, I found myself once again at the Fat boy run. Well, scratch that- I went for a run so I could have a few beers, s'more and laughs. But some of the people training for a marathon really kicked my butt into high gear, so there was no rest for the weary. Each beer was hard earned and considered much needed "hydration". 

When walking back from the run, I found myself stopped at a neighbors for a cheeky glass of wine. Three hours and a few glasses of wine later, I found myself headed home to make my bright and early 6:30 bus to the race. 

Now, as should be expected, races in Nigeria aren't quite the same as America. 

1. They are in kilometers. This one was 6 km (so 3.72 miles)
2. They never start on time. 
3. Safety pins and water are not easy to come by. 
4. Policeman are the trail markers.
5. A half hour of zumba is considered the warm up.

So Nick and I finished in a little under 32 minutes, which I must admit I am quite proud of, especially considering the sweltering heat we endured. Kelsie, my roommate, placed 2nd overall in women! So we stayed for the entertainment and awards before heading back to camp around 11. 

It was a long morning, and I was famished. Andy and I headed out for a bite at   Bungalows, a nice restaurant in Victoria Island (VI). I had a massive burger, which was exactly what I needed after this week. We than headed to the Eko hotel for a few drinks before making our way back. 

As far as the rest of the night, I think I am going to happily take it easy. Karen is hosting a brunch tomorrow, and after looking at my calendar it looks like this month will fly by! Next weekend I have the marine ball and the weekend after  I'm headed to Idanre on a biking trip. Next thing you know its Autumn Fest (ie Thanksgiving) and St. Andrew's Day. 

Stay in tune for more on my upcoming adventures!- Kate

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