Sunday 2 February 2014

2 Month Countdown

Just 2 more months left in Nigeria! It's crazy how quickly time flies over here, although this last week seemed to drag on. The office was abandoned since the Nigerians were on strike ( they call them prayer sessions since strikes are illegal). So this meant all employees sat outside the main building singing hymns and chanting about a vacation allowance change that was recently enforced. We expats on the other hand still attempted to work, but anything that required any collaboration was clearly delayed. I was suppose to be in a training which turned into quite the production. Ever time the prayer meeting took a break our facilitator thought we could squeeze in some of the class. This meant me running over to the building across the way only to realize that the prayer meeting was about to start up again. And since I'm in the main building I found myself pushing through the prayer meeting more times than I'd care to count. Oh well, as we say here- TIA (this is Africa). 

Kelsie and I have also been having an alarm problem here. Security has been calling and stopping by non stop claiming our alarm went off. This got old pretty fast considering it would be at all times of the day and night. We finally got that issue resolved which was a total win for us. 

My breaking point was the fabric fiasco Saturday. I wanted to get some nice fabrics to get some skirts made (after 4 months of no shopping whatsoever I was itching for a little change). So I asked around and found the hot spot called Daviva. Turns out the day I show up is the day they take inventory. I waited for over an hour for them to finish up since they told me they would open "soon". So much for that - so I left empty handed and drown my sorrows with an ice cream cone. 

Now I don't want to come off as everything is totally negative because that would be misleading. I ended up going out to dinner twice this week and went to a Kazak dinner party with all sorts of amazing food and vodka. What I will say is that when nothing seems to ever work right it's the littlest thing that will set people off here. Thank god for the wonderful social aspect because that is keeping me sane. 

The true stressor is that I am not quite sure where my next assignment is yet. I should be hearing soon- so hopefully that will be my next post. :)

As for today, I think it will be a much needed day of relaxation. Hope your Sunday is just a serene. 

Cheers- Kate 

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