Saturday 8 February 2014

Motherless Babies Home

This week was a little different than most weeks I've had. I'm over the hump of being annoyed with things not working. Guess it's safe to say that my newly found patience has kicked back in. My dad always said you get two bad weeks a year- well I might have used part of that one. 

Kelsie, Nick and I joined the expat wives on their Thursday morning trip to the Motherless Babies Home in Lekki Phase I. For a few hours we held and fed babies, played games with toddlers and sang all the songs a two year old would love. It was a nice outing. The image I had of the home was gruesome  so to my surprise the facilities weren't as bad as anticipated. Many of the children were still in school so there were probably on 20 something children there rather than the usual 60. I must admit, I was scared to death as I held a tiny baby with a wheeze. When I pointed it out I was ignored saying he would be fine. This is when the women explained they don't really baby their kids, and the kids just get tough. After watching the Nigerian nanny's on camp this came as no surprise. 

The cutest thing was the little girls and their baby dolls. The women here always have babies on their back held by cloth. So all the little girls wanted to do the same with their dolls. It's amazing what you learn early on and how little kids mimic it. 

All and all, I'm glad I went- it's definitely a must when coming to Nigeria to get the full picture (especially for those who don't make it out often).

Thursday ended with a long overdue massage. For only 5,000 naira ( 1,000= $6ish) I received a one hour massage from Ester who is just as good as anyone in the US. Better yet, it was in the connivence of my own home.  

Otherwise, same ol' week. It was my week off insanity and boy did my body feel the effects. Lots of aches and pains (beyond sore to nearly pulled muscles) so a break was definitely needed. I'm going to try advocare this next month with a bunch of folks here so I'll let you know how that goes. 

Friday was the standard Fat Boy and old school, and today was a nice morning of errands where I got groceries, fabric to get clothes made and a coffee/cinnamon roll. Check out the pic- doesn't even look like Nigeria eh? And the fun will continue since we are going out to dinner tonight at Lagoon. 

Oh- I have also been informed that my next assignment will be Total Remunerations in either San Ramon again or Houston. So more info to come! 

Happy Saturday and enjoy your weekend :)- Kate

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