Saturday 19 October 2013

Good Cookin' and Country

Hey y'all. Just finishing up my second week on the job and everything is going smoothly. I just got my new assignment work which seems like it will be interesting, so it's been a productive week considering I had two weeks. A few skeletons creeped up from my last rotation ( why am I not surprised) but all in all I can't complain. 

I missed the fat boy run on Friday because my badge ( which is like your SS card at work and the estate) fell out on my walk home. So then I had to report it and go through that who shebang- oy. At least I found it but my pride took a minor hit. Oh well, minor mishap but the image of me in workout close in the main office must have been a site to see. I'm sure the guards are all still talking about it :p 

The best part of my week is my stewardess. She is one absolutely amazing women. She cleans, does laundry- even puts it away-and cooks. I no joke left a note saying hey there is chicken in the fridge- can you do something with it? And boy oh boy did she- it's seriously the best glazed chicken I have had ( sorry mom). Spoiled doesn't even begin the describe. I will no longer be eating the cheese and crackers I was relying on. I even figured out I can just send my driver in my new Honda Accord to get my groceries. Oh yeah, I can make that work.

However, I might actually keep grocery shopping for my own sanity. Turns out, if your not doing that or going out to eat you have no reason to leave the compound. As a result, Nick and I spent Friday listening to music and watching movies. Actually, I was introduces to some amazing bands. Yes, it's country and it's amazing. For all you guys with a curiosity listen to the Josh Abbot Band ( Oh, Tonight), Randy Rogers and Corey Smith. To die for. 

Today has been pretty uneventful. I don't have TV, which is kinda a joy actually, and so I read a good and laid by the pool. The pool is incredible. It's olympic sized so it's nice to actually swim in or just hang by. A movie and some champaign sealed off the night and so all and all it's not a bad day.

It's weird it always feels like summer. I keep thinking it's July so it's strange when I actually look at the date. 

Next weekend is Calabar so I'll have more rip-roarin' adventures to share. Until then-Kate :) 

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