Wednesday 9 October 2013

You're Welcome

I'm half way through my first week and my oh my what a week it has been already been. I'm in a whirlwind of names that I'm awful and remembering and even worse at pronouncing, but all and all it's been a great week. 

The people I work with are amazing. When walking up to the office on my first day, I wasn't even nervous because every person I walked past cheerily greeted me with a big smile and a warm "good morning". It wasn't until later I learned it's typical for Nigerians to say "good morning" "good afternoon" and "good evening" like clockwork. The excitement of the new group was unexpected, with everyone coming up and hugging me with a great big "you're welcome". It took me only a second to catch on they mean "you are welcome to Nigeria" and reversing my American thinking to respond "thank you". Everyone chats and laughs and really enjoys themselves in the workplace. Grabbing my hand to walk me around the office and introduce me, each co-worker welcomed me with open arms. It was the most enthusiastic and genuine meet and greet I have yet to experience. 

I share an office with 2 other ladies, who are as fashionable as they are funny. Paper, pens and office materials are scarce, and I must say I had been spoiled with the luxury of a sit-stand desk. So (sigh) I guess we have to order it rather than be readily available :p. Looks like my patience is improving, but the personality of the office makes it easy to do. 

I'm just in the onboarding stages, trying to get my head into the business and reading about deepwater rigs and our current assets. I was fortunate to get a tour of all the stores around the area I might need to visit from the "welcome wagon" as part of my second day. It's all right here in Lekki and VI, and you can get anything you want if you are willing to pay for it. 

Another great luxury here is that I can walk to work. I seriously have gained over 1 + hours of my day back. I'd say it's no sweat, but even in morning it's pretty hot and humid, but not terribly overwhelming. I can leave my townhouse at 7:45 and be in by 8 (yes- I actually start at a decent hour of the day here).

At my house we have a stewardess, and for the life of me I will never get over everyone calling me madam. It's nice to not clean and have someone to cook- although I haven't capitalized on this yet. 

As a caffeine junkie, the lack of coffee is probably the most upsetting thing. I found it in a few grocery stores, merely costing an arm and a leg. So I guess I'm going cold turkey and will I'll embrace it as a weekend treat at local bistros. Which actually, might be for the best.  

Well, as Bugs Bunny would say- that's all for now folks. Hopefully I'll have some pictures to post next time to keep you updated on my adventures.

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